8 Tips to Reduce Overwhelm & Have A More Productive Day
All 8 tips are incorporated into the printable Daily Planner from Designed Life Studio to help you stay consistent with your goals, reduce overwhelm and have a more productive day. You can check out the planner here.
Mindset First
Take a minute to write down at least one thing you are grateful for today. It’s hard to stay in a bad mood when you begin your day grateful.
How do you want to show up today? There are so many factors throughout the day/week that you can’t control. But one thing you can control is being intentional about how you want to show up.
There’s no shame in giving yourself a mini pep-talk every morning. In fact, this can go a long way. Think of it as your quick affirmation or reminder for the day if/when things get though.
Reframing how you approach your to-do list
Reframe how you think about your daily to-do list. These are all things you get-to-do. Things you are capable of doing. Sometimes even a slight reframing of your words/mindset will change how you approach your daily activities.
Prioritizing is key! It likely feels like there are a million things on your list that you need to complete ASAP. But take a step back and really ask yourself “What actually needs to happen today?” and “What tasks will move my goals forward?”
It’s extremely easy to get caught up in everyone else’s agenda. There are some tasks that absolutely need to be accomplished and there are others that are simply “nice-to-dos” or bonuses for the day. Prioritize and get the most important tasks completed. It helps if you dive into these tasks first thing in the day. This way you at least make progress on, or even complete, the main task before other distractions pop up (because you know distractions will happen).
Don’t forget to make time for you too. Yes, there are a million things calling for your attention. But you can’t pour from an empty cup. Block out time for self-care (workouts, meditation, unplug from technology etc.) and working on your personal goals too.
Take a minute to actually open up your calendar and see what’s on the agenda for the day. It doesn’t take much time and will help you mentally prepare for the day. The worst thing is realizing you have a meeting or appointment in 15 minutes that you completely forgot about!
Give yourself grace
Remembering that you can’t do it all, take some time in the evening to do a brain dump (write out) some of the items you want to focus on the next day. Transferring all some of the ideas and reminders swirling around in your head to paper helps ease some of that stress and clear your head.
Give yourself some time to relax, unwind, and know that tomorrow is a new day. You got this!
Want more help mapping out and following the above steps each day? I specifically created the Designed Life Studio Daily Planner to focus on each of the above steps. Incorporating these steps daily will help you stay focused on your goals, reduce overwhelm, and have a more productive day. You can grab the planner here.
Update: The Monthly Planner is NOW AVAILABLE with bonus reflection questions and weekly priority check-lists to help with planning!
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