Sometimes we get really motivated when we start to plan out our lives and set goals. Whether that's eating healthy, hitting the gym, or staying on a consistent reading plan, it's easy to start out super motivated but find it harder and harder to continue with a habit the longer we go.
So how do we stay consistent?
One major factor in sticking with a habit to achieve your goal is whether it's really your goal or not. How do you discern between the two?
Write it down!
Writing down your goals can be a powerful exercise, especially if you keep some kind of score. As you write out the different ideas you have for your goals and how to achieve them, really pay attention to how it feels adding it to your list.
If there is something on your list that you're not very excited for then it could be that it's actually a "should goal". A "should goal" or a goal is something that someone else expects of you or you expected yourself, but you're not really into it...
Three tips to help you communicate more confidently and feel more prepared for work meetings.
Here's a little backstory. I was sitting down today to film the Designed Life Studio Membership content for next month - every month, I do a training and a worksheet for all the ladies in membership to help you achieve your work and life goals.
The current topic is How to Sound and Communicate More Confidently at Work. Because the struggle is real, right? Can you relate?
Anyway, I always like to provide a training and worksheet on the monthly topics, but I also love to share other/outside useful tips and resources in order to help you even more with your goals. When I came across a great podcast for this topic, I decided I had to share it (and the tips) with you too!
The podcast is from another executive coach, Muriel Wilkins. Her podcast is called Coaching for Real Leaders. In this specific episode, she shared three tips to help you feel more confident and prepared at work....
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