New motto for the month --> "I am doing this for my future self."
I noticed my routine was slowly getting off course and decided it was necessary to go back to the basics this past week. Focusing on simple self-care habits!
And so far these simple steps have been amazing. One key piece is saying this new motto over and over again. So I wanted to share this new motto/mindset with you too:
Setting the coffee maker the night before rather than in the morning -- doing this for my future self
Taking off ALL makeup, brushing and flossing no matter how exhausted I am -- doing this for my future self
Making time to meditate -- doing this for my future self
Swapping out cocktails/wine for a seltzer or tea -- doing this for my future self
Putting the phone down/closing the laptop and being present when you spouse or family member is talking -- doing this for OUR future selves
Making the bed as soon as we wake up -- doing this for my future self
Going for a walk...
3 simple morning routine basics that you can complete in 5 minutes. Starting a morning routine can be overwhelming. Using these basics can help you ease into a new habit and see that it doesn't need to be complicated! Just 5 minutes can make a huggeee difference!
Using these basics your morning routine could be as little as 5 minutes or up to 60 minutes. It's up to you based on what you need, anddd realistically, what you have time for!
Morning Routine Basics:
Say out loud, journal, or read a list of things you are grateful for. Why? Because it’s really hard to start the day off in a bad mood if you take a minute to count your blessings. Sooo take a blessings inventory right when you wake up and be grateful!
Listen or read something positive. Control the first things you consume each day. (Example: affirmations, personal development book or podcast, etc.)
The Chalene Show
The Brendon Show
The Marie Forleo Podcast
...Playback from the BONUS masterclass on 4.5.20.
In this masterclass I broke down my TOP (and simple) TIPS on how to start a successful morning and evening routine. This helps us feel less stressed, have more energy, be more productive, and make time for that one think you've maybe been putting off.
These are the steps I break down in the video!
Step One - Gain extra time in the morning.
Step Two - Actually get out of bed and do not hit snooze in the morning!
Step Three - Sneaking some time in for YOU.
BONUS: Checklist for your morning & evening routine
Favorite quotes as we head in to this week:
Live out of discipline, not default. Make choices every day that bring joy and help you get better. - Cori Close
When facing challenging times, focus on these three things: 1) What can I learn? 2) What can I do? 3) Who can I help? - DEAN GRAZIOSI
P.S. Don't forget you can grab your two morning routine freebies here!
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