3 simple morning routine basics that you can complete in 5 minutes. Starting a morning routine can be overwhelming. Using these basics can help you ease into a new habit and see that it doesn't need to be complicated! Just 5 minutes can make a huggeee difference!
Using these basics your morning routine could be as little as 5 minutes or up to 60 minutes. It's up to you based on what you need, anddd realistically, what you have time for!
Morning Routine Basics:
Say out loud, journal, or read a list of things you are grateful for. Why? Because it’s really hard to start the day off in a bad mood if you take a minute to count your blessings. Sooo take a blessings inventory right when you wake up and be grateful!
Listen or read something positive. Control the first things you consume each day. (Example: affirmations, personal development book or podcast, etc.)
The Chalene Show
The Brendon Show
The Marie Forleo Podcast
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