Do you find yourself overthinking and overanalyzing a lot? If you’re doubting yourself, I’ve got something for you that will instantly boost your confidence. Your…
I’m sure you’re thinking, what in the world is a book of proof!? It’s a list, journal, or literal book that proves you’re right where you’re supposed to be! Sounds really good, right? A whole book affirming your current role or next steps.
You are right where you’re supposed to be
There are so many things you've already accomplished and experienced that make you qualified to be where you are. My friend, you are right where you are supposed to be, but those doubts pop up, especially if you are starting something new.
Are doubts getting in your way right now?
Think about and list out all of your past experiences that prove why you are meant to be here.
You're not an imposter. You're not faking it. You have worked for this.
You have proof. Write it out!
Your Book of Proof
Let's take the example of starting a side business. Maybe you didn't go to business school and you don’t have your master's. (Two things we may think are required to be successful with a side business.) You might be doubting yourself because you don’t have what it traditionally looks like on paper to be successful. That doesn't mean you can't do it!
Take a minute to sit down and reflect on why you are in the right place. Stop doubting yourself. Dive in:
That's it! Now write it down. This is your book of proof. Literally write down why it is you deserve to do this -- because you do!
You might be having some doubts. And that's totally normal. We're going to take a step back and write this book of proof to help you get a confidence boost and continue to move forward.
Another thing, when you are interacting with people at work, you get a "good job" email or you have a good review, save all of those pieces. Make a folder in your email or a save folder to put screenshots in. These should be added to your book of proof too!
Doubting is okay…
It helps during those days when you're doubting yourself saying, “can I really do this? What am I doing right now?” Those days do come, it’s normal, and the doubting is okay. BUT we cannot let those doubts keep us from taking action.
Create your own book of proof for the reminder that you are meant to do this. So when those doubts repeat themselves, you have something to turn to.
You are meant to do this and you got this! I can't wait to hear how the book of proof goes for you.
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